Photography work for the song book It Ain't Over Yet
a posthumous edition of the collection of songs written by Jack Barschi, 2015

Ariane Lopez-Huici & Alain Kirili - Parcours Croisés
Studio portraits of Ariane Lopez-Huici and Alain Kirili
for their Museum catalogue "Parcours croisés" Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, France, 2014

Dominique Fabre - Des nuages et des tours
Photo cover of the novel "Des nuages et des tours"
from Dominique Fabre, Editions de l'Olivier, France, 2013

Des sociologues sans qualités ?
Photo cover of the french sociology book des sociologues sans qualités ?
by Delphine Naudier, Maud Simonet (dir.), ed. La Découverte, 2011

Gitane sans filtre - Gérard de Cortanze
Photo cover of the french novel Gitane sans filtre
from Gérard de Cortanze, collection "haute enfance", edition Gallimard, 2008

Le vocabulaire technique de la Photographie - Anne Cartier Bresson
Publication in Le vocabulaire technique de la Photographie, Anne Cartier Bresson, editions Marval, 2006

Bathroom Manners
Publication in Bathroom Manners, text by Jean-Claude Kaufmann, editions Janninck, 2004